Monday, 17 December 2012


Here are some more links to useful documents should you want to know more about the Beehive Child Care and Early Years Education Course.

1.  An outline of the course content for the Introductory Course

2.  The curriculum for the Intermediate Theoretical Course

3. The timetable for the delivery of the Intermediate Theoretical Course

4.  Part 3.  The practical tasks



Have fun!

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Six months on....

Here I am six months after my return from Malawi.  I have spent much of that time writing up the work I did for Beehive and Mother Teresa Children's Centre in Chilomoni for an MA in Early Childhood Studies.  I'm not quite finished yet, but well on the way.  One or two people have asked for the annotated ECD curriculum and at last I have made it available.  Here's the link

I will be adding one or two useful documents over the next couple of weeks, so watch this space!